Thomas Prevenslik
QED Radiations
Hong Kong
Thomas Prevenslik developed a theory of QED based on QM. By this theory, heat absorbed by NPs is deposited almost entirely in their surfaces because of high surface-to-volume ratios. NP atoms are therefore placed under high EM confinement over nano-scale wavelengths that by the Planck law of QM precludes the atoms from having the heat capacity to conserve heat by changes in temperature. Instead, EM confinement converts the surface heat into standing EM radiation inside the NPs; any NP quantum states having lower transition frequencies than the standing EM radiation frequency are indirectly excited with emission to the surroundings. In the instant topic of nanotoxicology, the emission of standing EM adiation at UV levels damages nearby DNA and by scrambling genes establishes the causal link to diverse human health problems.
Research Interest
Nanoparticles, Nano-toxicology, Nanotechnology