Technological Institute of Aguascalientes
Ph.D. Rangel-Vázquez is a professor research at Technological Institute of Aguascalientes (ITA) in the Department of Metal-mechanical in the Materials Engineering program. I have served as a reviewer for several journals: Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Materials Letters, Carbohydrate Polymers, Thermochimica Acta, Journal of Molecular Structure, Journal of Surface and Coatings Technology, World Journal of Engineering and Physical Sciences (WJEPS), Annual Research & Review in Biology, Journal of Applied Physical Science International and International Journal of Nanomedicine. I have worked in the Organizing of International congress such as: 2016 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technologies, 2nd Conference International of Surface and Interface on Materials; The 2nd Int'l Conference on Biomaterials and Applications, The 3rd Int'l Conference on Surface and Interface of Materials. I am on the Editorial Board of several journals I am Editor In Chief of BAOJ Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Journal of Pharmaceutics & Drug Development, respectively.
Research Interest
Nanomedicine, Applied Polymer Science, Materials Letters, Carbohydrate Polymers, Molecular Structure.