Haruo Sugi
Teikyo University School of Medicine,
Haruo Sugi graduated from post-graduated school in the University of Tokyo with the degree of PhD in 1962, and was appointed to be an Instructor in Physiology, in the University of Tokyo Medical School. From 1965 to 1967, he worked at Columbia University as research associate, and at the National Instututes of Health as a visiting scientist. Sugi was Professor and Chairman in Teikyo University Medical School from 1973 to 2004 when he became Emeritus Professor. He was Chairman of Muscle Commission in the International Union of Physiological Sciences from 1998 to 2008 (IUPS). He organized Symposia on molecular mechanism of muscle contraction six times, each followed by Proceeding published from University of Tokyo Press, Plenum, Kluwer and Springer and regarded as milestones of progress in this area of research work.
Research Interest
Physiological science, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology