Vincenzo Guarino
Research Scientist
Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB),
Dr. Vincenzo Guarino, PhD in Biomaterials Science, is Research Scientist at National Research Council of Italy (IPCB-CNR) since 2006. He is expert of process technologies for scaffold design and electrohydrodynamic technologies (i.e, electrospinning, electrospraying, Electro Dynamic Atomization) to produce micro/nanofibres, particles and capsules for tissue regeneration, drug delivery and cancer therapy. Currently, he is scientific partner of International Islamic University of Malaysia (RAGS) and of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (PAPIIT). He was scientific responsible of several post doc and ESR fellows and supervisor of PhD fellows and BSc/MSc students. He is author of over 80 international publications (H-Index 18 – Google scholar source), 9 book chapters, 2 patents (1 pending) and over 200 communications in international/national conferences. Member of the European (ESB) and Italian (SIB) Society of Biomaterials, American Nano Society and reviewer of several international journals, he has been awarded as author/co-author in several international congresses on biomaterials and his publication has been cited and abstracted in the Highlights CNR 2008-09 – collection of best CNR works 2008-2009.
Research Interest
electrospinning, electrospraying, Electro Dynamic Atomization, Tissue engineering, Regenerative Medicine.